EIESP and Vytautus Magnus University are leading the BRiDGE Project, bringing together higher education and civil society organisation practitioners and policymakers to foster evidence-informed policy development.
EIESP is participating in the FOOTT PRINTTS project: Focus on Teacher Training Practical Guidelines for In-Service Teacher Trainers.
Improving the attractiveness and image of VET (2006-2007)
This project was a comparative study of 32 European countries with reference to additional OECD countries as part of the CEDEFOP programme: Modernising vocational education and training (Preparation of the 4th Report on vocational education and training (VET) research in Europe).
The primary purpose of the study was to inform policy development and implementation at European and national levels within the context of VET development and lifelong learning linked to the Lisbon process, particularly concerning the objectives of promoting the attractiveness of VET.
The report was authored by Johanna Lasonen of the Institute for Educational Research, University of Jyväskylä (Finland) and Jean Gordon of the EIESP (France).
The project was funded by CEDEFOP.