EIESP and Vytautus Magnus University are leading the BRiDGE Project, bringing together higher education and civil society organisation practitioners and policymakers to foster evidence-informed policy development.
EIESP is participating in the FOOTT PRINTTS project: Focus on Teacher Training Practical Guidelines for In-Service Teacher Trainers.
Strategies for National Qualification Frameworks – MEDA Countries (2005-2006)
The objective was to support the development of national qualifications strategies. The main activities were the development of guidelines for country assessments and a common report outline; assistance to the local experts in finalising assessments and drawing out issues; a synthesis report for the five countries (2005); participation in the workshop in Amman (presentation of the synthesis report to country ministries); regional seminars and study visits to Ireland and Hungary (2006); and specific missions to Tunisia and Jordan on the national work plans.
The programme was funded by the European Training Foundation (ETF).