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InnoVal (2016-2018)


The InnoVal project (Innovative Assessment Methods for Validation) focused on the need to develop high-quality and appropriate assessment methods to support disadvantaged learners, including early school leavers, migrants, long-term unemployed, and individuals with disabilities to have a chance at validation of their learning.


Project components included:

  • A public consultation on barriers and enablers to assessment for disadvantaged learners

  • A report on Mapping the Needs of InnoVal Target Groups

  • A Needs Assessment analysing the state of the art in innovative assessment approaches for VNFIL

  • An Advocacy Report for educational stakeholders and policy makers


Case studies on the use of innovative assessment methods were collected in 6 countries/regions (Flanders, France, Finland, Greece, Germany and Portugal). Videos were also made of the validation assessment procedures and are available in the online Toolkit. The project concluded with a successful conference in Brussels on 13 September 2018 with 90 participants from 18 EU countries.


InnoVal was coordinated by the Lifelong Learning Platform and carried out as a partnership with ANESPO (Portugal), DAFNI-KEK (Greece), EIESP (France), UCLL (Belgium) and EUCEN (Belgium). Bertelsmann Stiftung (Germany) was an associate partner. Janet Looney and Gloria Arjomand of the EIESP participated in the project.


The project was funded under Erasmus+ KA2 within “Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training”.


The conference report, case studies, the Advocacy Pack and other materials are available on the project website.

EIESP  European Institute of Education and Social Policy

IEEPS Institut Européen d’Éducation et de Politique Sociale

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